Regular Meetings
- Sunday Service: 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Missionaries We Support

David Ford, serving in Ethiopia
The soft leather cover, the crisp new pages, the words of life: imagine holding the Bible written in your native tongue for the first time. At least, that’s what you’ve been told; you don’t know how to read, so even though you hold the Word written in your native tongue, it still feels as unreachable as before.
David has served with SIL Ethiopia in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, since 2011, in an eclectic variety of support roles including library, archiving, linguistic analysis, organizational tracking and monitoring, and publications editing. His organizational skill and attention to detail have made him a valuable asset in ensuring the quality that Wycliffe and SIL are known for. Wycliffe’s goal is to begin translating Scripture into every language that still needs a translation by 2025. Ethiopia is home to 85 languages, and David, in partnership with SIL Ethiopia, is contributing to that goal. Because of his work with both partners, people are taught to read, the Bible is translated into their language, and they can read the good news of Jesus.
A video highlighting some of David’s work in Ethiopia has been produced by Reformed Church in America Global Mission:

John Lokeno, serving in Kenya
Too often, community development projects rely on outside resources, which create an unhealthy environment of dependency. John Lokeno hopes to do the opposite—to inspire and equip local people to determine their own future with their own resources.
John coordinates a process that assists the churches among the Pokot people in Kenya as they work with their community to make positive change. The process builds on resources the community already has and encourages them to develop new skills and expertise. Congregations start small, taking on bigger challenges as they build confidence and resources.
John works in partnership with the Africa Inland Church, an RCA partner in Kenya since 1981. When the partnership began, the Pokot people had not yet heard the gospel. Today, the Pokot church has planted 24 churches, with a total of about 3,000 members.
Gospel for Asia Missionaries
Simon Itty, wife & 2 daughters (SW India)
Daniel Marma (northern Bangladesh)